Advanced Property Provider

low code creation of business workspaces

used by xECM specialist who want to standardize instead of custom code

One class to be used for every Business Object saves time and effort
No extra development but Out of the Box configuration
Easy maintenance and more agile

A property provider is an ABAP class that retrieves the business properties of an SAP business object. These fields are mapped to Content Server attributes of the business workspace. You need a property provider for each SAP business object for which you want to create business workspaces and map SAP properties to the attributes. This is a time consuming job and complex to maintain.

To simplify this process we have developed an Advanced Property Provider. With One Property Provider class used for all SAP business objects, metadata and workspace relationships can be mapped through configuration tables. Automate the workspace creation and update this when documents change, all without the need for extra development.

  • Out-of-the-box configuration of Properties fetching, Relationships, Dynamic categories, locations, templates.
  • One class to be used for every Business Object.
  • Metadata and workspace relationships can be mapped through configuration tables. Automate the workspace creation.

Advanced Property Provider

One time fee

Including a half day training.

Contact our expert

Alexander van Toorn

Transformative by nature, always deliver

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